Thursday, November 1, 2007

Multimedia in the Classroom

I think the use of multimedia in the classroom is a great way to grab students’ attention and provide visual learners an effective way to learn. On the internet you can find an abundance of different kinds of multimedia for various subjects so there is no reason why you cannot incorporate it into any subject you teach. Here is a great video clip from the series called Schoolhouse Rock. They have other videos for math as well as numerous one on grammar for language arts.

Name of Multimedia Learning Object: Naughty Number Nine

Subject Area: Math

Grade Level: 4

Source-URL: You Tube:

Description of Multimedia Learning Object: Short video clip on the different strategies used when multiplying with the number nine.

Description of Integration Idea: I would use this video clip as my attention-grabber in the introduction of my lesson on helpful strategies used in multiplication. While the students watch the video they will be instructed to write down all the strategies used with the multiplication of the number nine. After the students are done watching the movie they will pair and share with a partner all the strategies they have listed and try to list other strategies they know that were not on the video. Then as a class we would write all the strategies on the board and demonstrate how each one works. In my closure I would ask if they know of any other strategies for other numbers.

Planning and Preparation: First of all I would make sure the classroom I am teaching in has a computer and projector if not book the classroom in the school that does have this technology. The day I was going to teach this lesson I would make sure the link to the website still works if not try to find one that does.

Math General Outcome: Use and justify an appropriate calculation strategy or technology to solve problems
Math Specific Outcome 18: Justify the choice of method for multiplication and division using: estimation strategies, mental mathematics strategies, manipulatives, algorithms, calculations.

ICT Outcomes: C5: Students will use technology to aid collaboration during inquiry.
F4: Students will become discerning consumers of mass media and electronic information.

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